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Northeast to play together five

Date: 2016-09-19
Browse: 131

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 18 (Reporter: Chen Mengyang) In recent years, the northeastern region of the economy there have been more difficult, causing social concern. Hu Angang, president of the National Research Institute of Tsinghua University, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua that the economic performance and difficulties of the northeast region should be analyzed historically and dialectically. Northeast revitalization is related to the overall situation, we must accelerate; northeast revitalization is a protracted war, can not be achieved overnight.

Reporter: How do you evaluate the current economic situation in Northeast China?

Hu Angang: A Historical and Dialectical Analysis of the Northeast Economy:

First, from the reality, although the first half of a substantial decline in investment growth in Liaoning, Liaoning, but the economic growth rate did not appear the same rate of decline, which shows that the traditional economy, including Liaoning investment-driven model has changed, with Inherent vitality and power.

Second, from the historical point of view, over the past decade, the Northeast economic and social development, structural adjustment, reform and opening up has made considerable achievements. Even the lowest growth rate since last year, Liaoning, also entered the per capita GDP "ten thousand US dollars club." Per capita disposable income and consumer spending in the three northeastern provinces have been growing.

Third, from a global perspective, the economic difficulties in the Northeast is the world's emerging economies, the epitome of development difficulties. Global commodity prices fell, all rely mainly on global, tradeable raw materials, as well as heavy chemical-based economies have experienced a sharp decline. This also shows the need to accelerate the transformation of the Northeast economy.

Reporter: How do you see the economic restructuring and development of the Northeast?

Hu Angang: The past few rounds of the "northeastern dilemma" are related to excess capacity, although the market after the steel and other raw materials demand, easing the plight of the time, but also affected the objective of the Northeast strategic transformation speed. Due to the rich resources in the northeast, to some extent, the formation of a resource-intensive advantages, industrial development is prone to path dependence. The current "new normal" economy is conducive to forcing the Northeast to accelerate the pace of transformation, accelerate the supply side of the structural reform. Otherwise, no matter how much investment, how many projects, are equal to "re-increase" "Laoshangjia Lao." Northeast China is a typical representative of the difficult areas of transition, the Northeast to solve the problem well, the overall situation has a significant demonstration.

Reporter: In recent years, as a representative of China's northeast industry, industrial growth fell, especially in Liaoning in the first half of this year, negative growth in GDP, how do you think?

Hu Angang: At present, resource-based areas and heavy chemical-based areas, are faced with a major impact on external impact, especially in the northeast. On the one hand the difficulties of traditional industries, on the other hand high-end equipment manufacturing, robotics, biomedicine, new materials and other emerging industries high-speed growth. Only because the proportion of traditional industries in the local economic structure is too large, the emerging industry has not yet become a new locomotive to drive the economy as a whole to show serious difficulties. Northeast region differentiation is also more obvious. Jilin's development trend is better than the other two provinces.

In addition, in recent years, the northeastern region of industrial structure has undergone important changes, such as the proportion of industrial decline, the proportion of service industries increased, the proportion of traditional industries decreased, the proportion of new industries increased. Its adjustment direction is correct, but the transition speed lags behind some areas in the east. Need to give some time to the northeast, create more opportunities.

Reporter: The central government issued a three-year rolling implementation plan to promote the revitalization of the old industrial bases in the northeast region, involving investment of about 1.6 trillion yuan. What do you think of this initiative?

Hu Angang: to increase investment in the Northeast is necessary, but must also be effective. We mainly look at what to vote, who will vote. Investment in the Northeast with the country as a whole, divided into several categories: First, infrastructure construction. Which is conducive to give full play to the northeastern location advantages; the second is a major public facilities. Including high-speed rail between Shenyang and Beijing have not yet completed, will bring high-speed rail; third livelihood facilities, involving health and other industries. These facilities will bring investment and employment needs to the local people.

More important is who to vote on the issue. On the one hand, from the nature of investment to see, the public sector investment and investment in the field of people's livelihood has a guiding and pulling effect, the Government voted a dollar, will bring social investment two dollars, three dollars. On the other hand, from the investment sources, the proportion of state investment is very small, the main investment or rely on the community. In the Northeast is the same. These projects should be to solve problems and make up the short board, with a long-term, must not only eyes, repeat the old road.

Reporter: From the national economic situation, do you think the Northeast should adjust its position as a food base and equipment manufacturing base?

Hu Angang: to control the country, "thirteen" plan, a clear direction and way to revitalize the Northeast, looking for the Northeast in the overall position.

Northeast industrial transformation to high-end manufacturing, which is the northeast as the status of the equipment industry base of the decision. On the other hand, according to statistics, the world's 35 major industrial products, China has 18 kinds of products to reach the peak and continued to decline, while the proportion of China's economy has been declining for many years, the service industry continued to rise. This determines the northeast should conform to this change, if you have to contrarian, which will inevitably lead to more northeast problem.

Northeast is very necessary from two bases to three bases, is a modern agricultural base, but also a high value-added industrial base, or modern service industry base. The proportion of urbanization in the Northeast is higher in the country, just need to develop transport, finance, insurance and other services.

It is now the most difficult period for the revitalization of the Northeast. It is necessary to play the five major forces together to fight the tough battle: the joint efforts of the central and local governments and the market, the joint efforts of cadres and the masses; To do this, the result will be "approach is more difficult than."

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